Monday, June 13, 2005

Whose choice is it any way?

Does anyone have the right to end anyone's life? Well read this and decide for yourself "who should decide"?

Seems heartless on part of the father, but trying putting yourself in his place.


Minal said...

I kind of agree to mercy killing. When all hope is lost, why make the person suffer further. What's more others suffer even more.
And again there is another set of people which will argue, 'Never give up on hope, miracles happene everyday'.

The debate will always go on...

Anonymous said...

An excellent movie on this topic is "The Sea Inside". Its a spanish movie based on the true story of Ramon Sampedro who was a quadriplegic from a coastal village in Galicia (Northwest Spain). Sampedro lived for 27 years lying in a bed, unable to move but his neck and face, needing help and attention with everyday needs, and fighting a battle to obtain legal permission for somebody to assist him in his suicide. A sensitive and articulate man, Sampedro wrote (with his mouth), gave television interviews, and captivated the Spanish public with his good humour, his wit, his intelligence, and his dramatic and well-reasoned determination to be able to control his life and death. The legal battle was predictably lost, but Sampedro killed himself anyway.

But this is a story of a person who wanted to take his own life. Its a very fine line when you make a decision for another person. I don't think there is an answer. Its very context dependent.

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